Internet of Things
Find out how to develop a Iot winning strategy.
- Iot platforms and architecture: they allow companies to manage the safety and connectivity of IoT devices, in addition to collect data, connect devices to backend systems.
- Big Data and predictive analysis: to contain the IoT data explosion that have to be analysed and made operational in real time.
The IoT depends in turn on other different technologies, like for example the programmation interfaces of applications (API) that connect devices and internet. Other key technologies for Internet of Things are the management instruments of Big Data, predictive analysis, AI and Machine Learning, Cloud and radiofrequence identification.
Internet of Things is generating a deep impact on numerous market sectors and for different corporate areas.
In the digital era, the enormous data volume available for you increases exponentially. Connectivity, portable scanner GPS localization data on vehicles fleet, mobile devices, warehouse data RFID generate data volume intended to exponentially raise with IoT thats is transforming the resources management, technology negotiate workers to improve decision processes and mechanize repetitive tasks. Improve the operation management, repetitive tasks. Improve the operation management from integration of customer assistence with effective data on product consumption to product supply and customized services. Modify corporate processes, ,offering businesses opportunities for new services based on information data collected in real time by sensors. As a consequence it’s necessary to extend the own ERP to adapt. Agile Team with SAP Business One can help you to plan and implement the connectivity and necessary solutions for your tomorrow business.
Agile Team is on the front line in the Internet of Things evolution!